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Illinois Tool Works Inc. Dividend History (ITW)

๐ŸŽ‰ Upcoming Dividend Payout ๐ŸŽ‰

Illinois Tool Works Inc. will distribute a dividend of $1.5 per share on January 10, 2025 (36 days)

  • ๐Ÿค‘ Illinois Tool Works Inc. has distributed a total of 83 dividends from 2004 to 2024

  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ During this 21 period their dividend has seen a 525.00% increase in the payout amount

About Illinois Tool Works Inc.

Illinois Tool Works Inc. (ITW) is a global industrial company that focuses on manufacturing engineering components and equipment. Founded in 1912, ITW has grown to become a Fortune 200 company with a diverse portfolio across various industries, including automotive, construction, and food equipment. Based in Glenview, Illinois, the company operates in over 50 countries, emphasizing innovation and customer-driven solutions. As of the latest update, E. Scott Santi serves as the Chairman and CEO. In 2022, ITW reported annual revenue of approximately $15.9 billion. ITW is respected for its decentralized business model, allowing its various divisions to operate with a high degree of autonomy, which fosters an entrepreneurial spirit among its nearly 45,000 employees globally.

Address: 155 Harlem Avenue, Glenview, IL, 60025
Phone: (847) 724-7500

Previous Payouts (83)

The most recent dividend Illinois Tool Works Inc. paid out was on October 11, 2024 (55 days ago) for $1.5 per share

Pay DateAmount
October 11, 2024$1.5
July 11, 2024$1.4
April 11, 2024$1.4
January 11, 2024$1.4
October 12, 2023$1.4
July 13, 2023$1.31
April 13, 2023$1.31
January 12, 2023$1.31
October 14, 2022$1.31
July 14, 2022$1.22
April 14, 2022$1.22
January 14, 2022$1.22
October 14, 2021$1.22
July 15, 2021$1.14
April 14, 2021$1.14
January 14, 2021$1.14
October 14, 2020$1.14
July 15, 2020$1.07
April 15, 2020$1.07
January 15, 2020$1.07
October 9, 2019$1.07
July 10, 2019$1
April 10, 2019$1
January 10, 2019$1
October 9, 2018$1
July 11, 2018$0.78
April 10, 2018$0.78
January 10, 2018$0.78
October 10, 2017$0.78
July 12, 2017$0.65
April 11, 2017$0.65
January 11, 2017$0.65
October 6, 2016$0.65
July 8, 2016$0.55
April 7, 2016$0.55
January 7, 2016$0.55
October 6, 2015$0.55
July 7, 2015$0.485
April 7, 2015$0.485
January 6, 2015$0.485
October 7, 2014$0.485
July 8, 2014$0.42
April 8, 2014$0.42
January 7, 2014$0.42
October 8, 2013$0.42
July 9, 2013$0.38
April 9, 2013$0.38
December 31, 2012$0.38
October 10, 2012$0.38
July 10, 2012$0.36
April 10, 2012$0.36
January 10, 2012$0.36
October 12, 2011$0.36
July 12, 2011$0.34
April 12, 2011$0.34
January 11, 2011$0.34
October 13, 2010$0.34
July 13, 2010$0.31
April 13, 2010$0.31
January 12, 2010$0.31
October 14, 2009$0.31
July 14, 2009$0.31
April 14, 2009$0.31
January 13, 2009$0.31
October 14, 2008$0.31
July 14, 2008$0.28
April 14, 2008$0.28
January 14, 2008$0.28
October 15, 2007$0.28
July 16, 2007$0.21
April 16, 2007$0.21
January 22, 2007$0.21
October 16, 2006$0.21
July 17, 2006$0.165
April 17, 2006$0.33
January 23, 2006$0.33
October 17, 2005$0.33
July 18, 2005$0.28
April 18, 2005$0.28
January 24, 2005$0.28
October 18, 2004$0.28
July 19, 2004$0.24
April 19, 2004$0.24

Dividend data last updated Thu, 05 Dec 2024 17:42:25 GMT UTC